
About lesgoldberg

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So far lesgoldberg has created 113 blog entries.

True Tech Innovation or Passing Fad?

A Word to the Wise When Investing in Technology

In the show technology field, investing in the latest audio, video and lighting innovations is part of the business. When it comes to planning their event, today’s clients expect rental and staging companies to offer an increasingly wide array of the most advanced high-tech equipment. Make no mistake; it is often to our competitive advantage to be a pioneer in adopting new technology. But with so many cutting-edge products sharing the limelight on the trade show floor, how do industry leaders distinguish today’s winning technology from tomorrow’s obsolete fad? […]

By |2015-03-12T18:57:00+00:00March 12th, 2014|Articles|

Take Stock in Your People

Investing in Your Employees Ensures Success, Increases Your Bottom Line

As staging companies acquire or build the latest equipment – striving to deliver the most cutting edge techniques day in and day out – it’s easy to overlook the most valuable investment of all … your people. In today’s event staging industry, audio, video and lighting companies sometimes forget those on the front lines – the technicians who can make or a break a show with the flip of a switch. […]

By |2015-03-12T18:50:40+00:00February 12th, 2014|Articles|
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